73% Believe Enhanced Information Quality and Deeper Crypto Asset Insight Foster Increased Investment

  • 66% of institutional investors want to be part of the crypto megatrend.
  •  57% of institutional investors are looking to increase their crypto assets.
  • 34% of respondents believe crypto is easy to understand.

Crypto investing is an excellent way to stay ahead in the global financial curve and spice up your portfolio. However, inadequate knowledge of the crypto waters could be tumultuous for any investor. That being said, being well-informed before entering the crypto market could reduce the risk of losses. With the proper insight, you could make wiser decisions and invest more where suitable. Fortunately, this ideal is backed by many other crypto consumers.  According to Fininterest.com, 73% of crypto enthusiasts trust that deeper crypto understanding will lead to increased investment.

Nellius Mukuhi, the site’s crypto expert, concurs with this narrative. She says:

No doubt, enhanced information quality will boost crypto apprehension. As a result, investors can approach the crypto domain carefully and invest accordingly. In-depth understanding will help them scrutinize the assets and investment opportunities, making crypto’s dominant volatility less of a risk.

Fininterest crypto expert, Nellius Mukuhi

Social Media is the Biggest Source of Crypto Information

While social media can sometimes be a bust when it comes to reliable information, it has proven more valuable to crypto consumers than we’d think. In a sector still in its infancy stage and full of unprecedented turns, regular earnings reports are insufficient to satisfy the growing curiosity about crypto. 

Social media outreach from popular sites like Facebook and TikTok has been vital in informing the mass audience of the latest crypto developments and has dramatically influenced the domain. For instance, when Elon Musk took to the X platform and tweeted on Dogecoin, it led to a substantial 4% bump in value. The meme coin rally on TikTok in May 2023 is another outstanding example of the power social media holds. Interest volumes in meme coins escalated to 100 on the platform.

According to a 2021 analysis, about 37% of social media users aged 18-34 and 17% aged 35-64 had already begun researching crypto investments.  By 2023, 23% of crypto users in Australia were sucked into the digital assets world due to social media influencers. At the same time, 15% got acquainted with crypto through entertainment sources and 10% through comparison websites. 

The social media space could easily influence the crypto industry, with the number of social media users already at 4.9 billion.

What Could Enhanced Information Do for the Crypto Industry?

There shouldn’t be a single time when the power of information is undermined. The success the crypto industry has attained up to now is majorly attributed to users getting acquainted with the crypto schematics.

The uncertainties of cryptocurrencies began to fade away as more users got to understand them. Therefore, providing better quality information could easily pull in more consumers, ultimately leading to augmented investments. Besides, the investors can put their money where it’s worth.

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